The company has jointly participated in the research and development of the rail flaw detection vehicle of the cooperative brand company. At present, it already put into use in the domestic railway flaw detection market. With the overall acceleration of international railways, countries have higher and higher demand for flaw detection equipment, and need more rail flaw detection products with faster speed and higher flaw detection effect. At the same time, our company’s technology in this field has become more mature, On this basis, our latest product GT6600 hi-rail ultrasonic flaw detection vehicle has officially passed the test and will start the bulk production at the end of 2021.
At present, it has achieved a more reasonable and lightweight design of mechanical structure. It also optimizes the linkage between vehicles and components, making the operation more convenient and the price more reasonable.
New technology GT6600 hi-rail ultrasonic rail tesing vehicle is based on our hi-rail vehicle platform. The vehicle can test at speed up to 40km/h. When off track, the hi-rail gears can be retracted and thus the vehicle can drive on the road. The test carriage is by hydraulic. The hi-rail ultrasonic rail flaw detection vehicle is suitable for long distance testing under the very worse environment. It has the characteristics of high speed testing while maintaining high detection rate with easy operation. Two-wheel probes on each rail for total 18 channels. It can detect transvers defect at the rail head, bolt hole break and transvers defect at the base.